Sunday, July 19, 2009

Getting through the rest of the week

I (Melissa) had some migraine issues this week, which I haven't had in awhile, so I'm not quite sure why. I felt bad Wednesday night and Thursday morning, but then felt lots better in the afternoon and evening.

Friday was the opposite with feeling good in the morning, but had a bad headache by mid afternoon. Thankfully, my boss let us off at 4:00, so I came home and laid in bed. I could tell that feeling bad affected my attitude in wanting to help my clients and co workers. I also felt like I wasn't quite myself either.

Unfortunately, the nausea didn't go away so we had to miss life group. I hate missing life group, but Jason took care of me and we watched some America's Funniest Home Videos and laughed.

Saturday, we went to one of Jason's childhood friend's weddings up in Dobson, which was lovely. Then we hung out with his mom and stepdad at his brother's house in Statesville, where they are giving the kitchen a nice facelift!

I found out something neat and I hope Linda doesn't mind me telling this. She didn't know she was pregnant with Jason until 15 1/2 weeks, because she lost one too beforehand. Afterwards, her clothes weren't fitting and she took a pregnancy test, and it was positive. She called her college roommate, who was a nurse, and told her concerns. So, they did an ultrasound, and there was Jason doing flips! Linda could be an episode of "I didn't know I was pregnant" on TLC!

Today, we stayed in nursery all morning, and had a good time with the kids. We treated ourselves to lunch at O'Charley's (which we went for our second date) since we've cooked all this week. Then, we both found shoes at Kohls (thank you 30% off with my Kohls credit card!)

We had a discussion night at TNT with just us and Wes and Tiffany. We talked about the freedom we can experience with God: times we've had that and other times it's been taken away. My favorite scripture reading was Isaiah 61: 1-3, about how God is there for the brokenhearted and gives us "a crown of beauty instead of ashes..." I just think that's such a neat visual!

Now for a new week!

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