Wednesday, September 1, 2010

It's Offically a Holcomb GIRL!

Well, we didn't expect her to come this early, but once again, it's proof we are no longer in control of the Holcomb house! Here's us today!

Hallie Virginia Holcomb, born at 4:55 a.m. September 1st, 2010. She weighed 8 pounds, 6 ounces and is 22 inches long. I really can't believe she fit in me!

We named her Hallie because it means "Praise the Lord" (like Hallelujah). At the end of February for the ultrasound in Charlotte, the doctor had said he thought it was a girl. Jason started looking for names on I don't remember how we actually found it, but we looked up the name and really thought the meaning symbolized our journey in the pregnancy.

Here's us right after delivery! I definitely praised the Lord after 2 1/2 hours of pushing!

Here's her under the heat light after doing some of the newborn tests! She is very healthy!

Already a daddy's girl!

Here's the background to the story!

Last Friday, my appointment had revealed slightly high blood pressure and protein in the urine, which are signs of the pre eclampsia. My swelling wasn't getting any better either. I went back Monday after having to rest easy and do a 24 hour urine collection on Saturday/Sunday.

My blood pressure was slightly higher and still protein in the urine, so the midwife said she should have results of the lab by that evening. I did not get a call, so I thought things might be okay.

Tuesday, I got a call around 10:00ish and I though the midwife said I had a level of 188. The safe level is nothing above 300. Then, she told me "how would you like to have a baby today or tomorrow?"

I was alittle confused because I thought my levels were okay; she said no, level was 688!

Total shock hit me and I asked if I could call her back after processing this! I hung up the phone and started crying because I still had things I wanted to get done at work before I left. After a few minutes, I called the midwife back and the hospital could admit me at 12:30. I called Jason, who was very calm and fixing the air conditioner in my mom's school room, so I told her to go ahead and tell her what was going on, but that there was no game plan yet.

They started the induction that afternoon and the midwife broke my water around 7:00. I labored until about 1:00 when I got an epidural. She had told me since I showed pre eclampsia signs, that the epidural would be benefical because it helps bring blood pressure down. So, I didn't totally chicken out, the midwife made me do the epidural! But, by midnight, I had very strong contractions and with getting tired, couldn't take it much longer.

After the epidural, the nurse evaluated me and said that I had gone from 5cm to 9cm! Suprising it itself! So, I started pushing around 2:15. It wasn't bad until about the last hour because I could feel so much pressure, but she wouldn't come! I was getting so tired too!

I had great support with the nurse and midwife along with my mom and mother in law, and of course Jason!


  1. Congratulations! I thought it would be a girl. Prasie the Lord for this remarkable gift!

  2. She's beautiful!! Can't wait to meet her in person!
