Sunday, September 12, 2010

Getting to Know You!

We've made it almost two weeks! All of us have learned so much about one another!
I asked Jason this week what his favorite part was in having Hallie and he said that it was that he has two people to look forward in coming home two instead of one. :)
My favorite is the funny facial expressions and quirks she has!
She loves to stretch, as seen below:

And she makes this little "o" look with her mouth, like below

In the last few days, she's been a lot more alert and moves her eyes alot!
Here are some good photos with family these past weeks!
With Grandmom

With Grandad

At the hospital

With Aunt Deda and Uncle Chuck

With Nana

With cousin Aida

With Paw Paw

With Karen

With Mike and Becca

With Uncle Lee

With Great Grandma!

So far, we've had more good days & nights than bad! Lately, I think she's had more indigestion, so we've had some long hours during the night. I've been sleeping in the nursery with her so that Jason can get a decent night's sleep. She can really wail loudly sometimes! Maybe she'll be a good sport's fan!

I've definitely feeling like the days have blurred together, but here are some highlights that I recall:
The first two nights, we were here by ourselves. She did well, only waking up about twice or so for feedings.

Saturday, mom stayed with us, which worked out well because Hallie had a bad tummy ache that night, so I was able to get some sleep.

Linda stayed with us this past week and was a great help for me!

Thursday we went to Statesville to eat at Ruby Tuesday for Gary's birthday, so it was our first offical eating out in public! She did well, except for a yucky #2. (thanks Linda for taking care of that for me!)
Friday, we showed her off at CFA and to Jason's co-workers! Then, the three of us made a evening run to CVS, which was nice!

Saturday, Hallie and I went over to mom and dad's while mom and Jason painted the hallway. Later that night, Jason and I went shopping at Kohls and Target, leaving Hallie with grandmom. As much as I'm enjoying being around her, it was nice to get away for awhile!
The only "bump" so far was that our doctor heard an extra heart beat at her appointment this week. He felt concerned, so we went Thursday morning back to the hospital for an echo/ultrasound. She kept me up that night, but it worked out because she slept through it!
The results concluded that there is a small valve that hasn't completely closed yet. Linda did research online that it's very common, especially in girls, and should resolve itself in a month. It was a relief that the doctor's were not alarmed at the problem!
Yesterday, mom helped me out and today, dad has come over too! It's been nice to have someone watch her for awhile so I don't have to worry!

1 comment:

  1. I'm just itching to get my hands on her!! The picture of her with Jason's mom reminds me a lot of Isaiah as a newborn, which is funny considering how much she looks like Jason in all the other photos. The tummy problems and wailing sound a good bit like Isaiah's early days too--at least we can be thankful God gave our babies healthy sets of lungs :) Looking forward to seeing you all this weekend!
