Sunday, September 27, 2009

New floor and New "neighbor"

Last Sunday (20th), Lee came up and we decided to go ahead and pull up the carpet in our family room since we were putting the new floor down on Saturday. Therefore, we had what I called a "poor newlyweds apartment" for the last week (not to offend anyone!): no entertainment center and just a third of our sectional couch. It was actually quite cozy!

Saturday, Jason and Gary put the new floor down, but unfortunately, the salesman did not estimate correctly, so we're missing about 2 feet. He got to the store just after it closed, so we'll finish it this week!

Lastly, we have a "new neighbor" who we've named Charlotte. A few weeks ago, she had camped out right outside our sunroom door, so we had to relocate her to the Crape Myrtle tree in the backyard, but she parked just outside our window in the back of the family room. She has a very nice web! We think she's a garden spider. Apparently, she likes Wake Forest!

Saturday night, we went to our friend Tony B.'s 60th birthday party, which was tons of fun! An Italian cook made from stratch lasagna, even the noddles were homemade, so it seemed sweeter than the other kinds.

Sunday, went went down to Charlotte for Becca's birthday, eating at Olive Garden, and then going to their house and we played pictionary. Jason and I did pretty well, getting some hard ones that we drew for each other since we were on the same team.

Then, we had TNT talking about the distorations with the word community: how we hide our struggles and isolate ourselves, which thereby doesn't promote community. It was very challenging!

Off to a new week! Next Saturday is the U2 concert in Raleigh, which I've been looking forward to since April when I bought the tickets! It's going to be a long week!

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