Saturday, June 27, 2009

Progress of the dog house

Jason has worked on the new doghouse for awhile now. I've pushed a bit on the completion since we'll be at the beach next week (yeah!). We usually let the dogs sleep in our sunroom, but when someone else takes care of them, we just leave them outside.

Today is the first day we've been able to let them get in the new doghouse! So far, so good!


  1. Hi Melissa! I enjoyed looking at your blog; the dog house looks great! Hope you and Jason are doing well; hope we can see you again next time we're back in NC!

    (By the way, I will get around soon to sending you a thank you card for the baby gifts you sent us-- thank you!)

    ~Katie Miller

  2. Hey! I apologize for not responding sooner; I just noticed your comment! (getting used to this blog thing!) I saw the pics on facebook of you guys at the Giants game! I saw the Giants play at Oakland when I was in San Fran with my family way back in 2002! We are doing well!
