Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Summer baseball!

All Star baseball lasted longer this summer. Practices were Tuesday & Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings. Jason helped coach.

Since Hickory hosted the state tournament, they automatically got to play in the state.

They lost both district games in Wilkesboro. Justin pitched both games doing well even when one of the teams did their unsportsmanlike chants.

With Santiango one of the catchers.


There was an opening ceremony for State on Thursday July 25th. It was moved to LR since there was rain.

They canceled games that day but we went to the Crawdads game that night with some of the team.

Games on Friday were brutal. We got no runs and missed lots of outs. Justin still pitcherd well though they hit off him.

Overall the team improved, just couldn't compete with the district winners.

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