Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Nine Months today!

Hallie has been lots of fun the last few months! She has a very vocal, lively personality! She makes little screams and noises all the time! Daycare told me today that all morning she played and talked!

We went to Linda and Gary's this weekend and she loves the swing! Just to clarify, her shirt says "Sassy!"

She went to the doctor on May 24th and is 29 1/2 inches and 15.8 pounds. I just looked that up online and it's 95% height and between 25% and 50% for weight!

Jason got a new phone with a camera, so this was the first picture we took!

I've bee wanting to take a pic of her two bottom teeth! This was the best I could do! The top ones still haven't come through!

Hallie loves to bounce and we did NOT teach her this. She likes to lean forward and then throw herself back on the couch! Linda and Gary got her a camera toy and she's already figured out the button that makes it speak! I think she's engineering minded!

She also has a drum now (like Isaiah's) and loves to bang on it! She also likes to give kisses on the cheek, which are very wet and sloppy, but they're nice!

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