Monday, August 17, 2009

Grandma's Birthday!

Saturday evening, we joined the Holcomb family to celebrate Grandma's birthday! (which is actually the 18th!) We ate at King of the Sea (sounds like a Disney movie), and then to Grandma and Grandpa's house for red velvet cake. I took a video of us singing to her and she momentarily forgot she had to blow out the candles! It was so cute!

We had a great time laughing as usual at some crazy stories!

This past week Jason worked another four 10 hour week. He went fishing with his dad on Friday morning. Every Friday he's been off, he's either golfed or fished! He's exhausted by Sunday, but I'm glad he's gotten to do those things with his family and friends.

Friday night, we had life group, and are now studying my favorite person in Genesis: Joseph! I can't wait to get further into his story and discuss how neat his life was! I still find it interesting that the genealogy of Christ is NOT through him. (Joseph was like the best of the best!)

It's actually through his brother, Judah, and we read Genesis 38), where he unknowingly sleeps with his widowed daughter in law, who becomes pregnant with twins. It's a soap opera story, and always blows my mind that God used that situation.

Saturday morning, while Jason was at his friend Kevin's new house doing heating and air again, mom came over and we pulled weeds. (Oh, the joy!) Due to Jason working so much and my laziness and anti-weeding, the "patch" as I call it in the front yard has exploded with lovely clovers!

So, I helped mom in the morning, but was feeling a headache around lunchtime. (For real, I wasn't faking to get out of pulling weeds!) Mom worked all afternoon though! Thankfully, she's got her job back as a teacher's assistant, but I think she's been bored, so she said she didn't mind pulling the weeds.

Sunday, we crashed until we watched "The Count of Monte Crisco" with Wes & Tiffany. Now, we're chilling and watching pre season football! Go Panthers!

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