Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Summer baseball!

All Star baseball lasted longer this summer. Practices were Tuesday & Thursday evenings and Saturday mornings. Jason helped coach.

Since Hickory hosted the state tournament, they automatically got to play in the state.

They lost both district games in Wilkesboro. Justin pitched both games doing well even when one of the teams did their unsportsmanlike chants.

With Santiango one of the catchers.


There was an opening ceremony for State on Thursday July 25th. It was moved to LR since there was rain.

They canceled games that day but we went to the Crawdads game that night with some of the team.

Games on Friday were brutal. We got no runs and missed lots of outs. Justin still pitcherd well though they hit off him.

Overall the team improved, just couldn't compete with the district winners.

Monday, July 8, 2024

VBS and July 4th !

I took off again for VBS, a scuba theme this year.

God is a friend who's real- story about Elijah and the fire from heaven.

God is a friend who loves- Jonah's story

God is a friend we can trust- story of Jesus falling asleep in the boat

 God is a friend forever.

 Hallie with her friends Virginia and Brookyn. Virginia has also been in teen camp and Brooklyn has done vibs in the past. They weren't in our same main group, but Hallie would talk to them in the morning.

Wr had the sweetest twin brothers in our group- Jackson and Owen.

The 2nd day was about Jonah. They first were in the boat and then inside the big fish.

The kids went up Wednesday afternoon with mom and dad.

They had a beach pool party, where the had somew mock tail drinks.

Golf cart parade on July 4th, our crew along with Hanna and Chase Barwick.

Then headed to games, where they played with Elana's son Enzo.

After much afternoon swimming and dinner at Dead's, we saw the fireworks here for the first time.

The swimming continued on July 5th, but was interrupted by an afternoon rainstorm. Then we went Deda's to eat again and later the lake, where Justin got in and did the trampoline the lake.

Playing alittle bit of Phase 10. They also played Speed but no one could beat Hallie.

Gaga ball pit. 

Bingo our last night July 6th with candy as the prizes!

They had rock painting one afternoon and decided to do one for mom and dad's 50th anniversary coming up on August 3rd.