Thursday, July 22, 2021

July 4th, Nana & Papa Camp, Carowinds!

 For July 4th, we went up to Linville to see Deda, Charlie, Arlo, Nolan, and Ellie!

Hallie passed the Swim test at the YMCA to go in all sections of the pool, so she was able to go to the deep end up here as well!


Justin actually got in a bounce house!

Human Hungry Hungry Hippos!

Nana and Papa camp was July 5th through July 10th!

Hallie said she slept between Abel and Arthun in the tent (it's hard to see!)

They played tons of pool, had a slip-n-slide, played whiffle baseball, went to McDonalds 3 times, went to Cracker Barrel for breakfast, and had ice cream for breakfast! And I'm sure there's more they didn't tell me!

We went to Carowinds on Monday, July 19th with Karen, Miranda, Becca, Lynee, Laney, Nathaniel, and Clara!  It was a cloudy day and rained a bit on us, but it was nice it wasn't hot!

The first thing they went on was the Balloon Ride (Justin said it was too high for him!)

Karen, Miranda, and Hallie are in the Green balloon!

 This is the Wilderness Run.  I got Justin on this!  It goes around twice and after the first run, he looked at me and said, "I want to get off" and I told him, "We have to around one more time!" He didn't like it, but also didn't cry.

He admitted to me later he "liked it a little bit" but wouldn't go back on it!

Hallie surprised me how well she did on rollercoasters!  We may have a thrill seeker! She also rode the Woodstock Express (the old Scooby doo) but I didn't get pics since it was getting dark.

She's riding with Laney here and at the back are Clara & Nathaniel and Karen & Miranda

She rode the Goldrush with Becca, then with me!

This is what I had to buy Justin so that I could go on the Goldrush.....

He loved the Wave pool at the Waterpark!  He and Miranda had to wear lifejackets and they figured out how to jump or just float over the waves!  We stayed in there for an hour or so! 

He also liked the Lazy River, where he road on my lap, and at the end, it had a waterfall coming down from a bridge that got us wet! 

He also liked this ride called Trailblazers that was cars that went in a circle and it whipped you around the curves (like you were spinning a tire!)

Also, got him to go on the small kids swings as the very last thing! He also did the planes!

Some more ride videos!

Hallie said this one was a favorite!

More pics!

Clara, Becca, and Lynee

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