Saturday, April 19, 2014

Baby Shower and Baby Arrival!

Erin, Melissa, Karen, and Der were so kind to throw us a shower on April 6th at the Lakewood Park in Statesville!  They did a great job and we are so thankful for what everyone got for us! Erin did a baby prediction poster, where everyone put the birthday, eye color, height, weight, hair color....most put towards the end of April......little did we know what this next week would bring......

So, background, we found early April the baby was breech.  I was a bit annoyed, as I showed no signs of pre-ecampisa, but seriously, another drama with the baby being breech? 
It's the first time I could say, "You're acting just like your father!"

So, the mid wife showed me some techniques I could do to possibly turn him and my next appointment was the 8th.   I knew just from the way I felt (lots of movement in the upper right hand side-that I now knew was the head/arms and not the feet) that he was still breech.
The doctor told me she thought turning the baby would be successful, so I opted to have this done Friday morning.  I was a bit scared, as I knew it wasn't the most comfortable thing to do....
All week, I had felt a bit more tired and Thursday, I felt more noticeable contractions during the day, so I tried to drink tons of water!
I was very tired after work and told Jason around 6:30 that  I wanted to take a nap, so I went towards the bedroom.  He and Hallie went to the playground and after about 20 minutes, I think I was almost asleep and felt relaxed, I felt a gush and immediately, I knew my water broke.
I started calling for Jason, before realizing that he was outside, so I got up, changed, and got Jason's attention to come inside. He had no idea what was going on until I told him.
I called the hospital since it was after hours and told the doctor what was going on and said, "I was supposed to come in tomorrow to have you turn the baby."
She replied, "Well if your water broke and he's breech, we have to do a C-section."
I knew all this, but started to shake, as I had really not wanted to put C-section on my list of
things I'd experienced.
Mom came over, Hallie cried when we told her we had to go, so I explained we had to go because of the baby and thankfully, she got excited about spending the night with Granddad and G.G.
It was confirmed the baby was breech, so the process was started of prepping me for a C-section. I still shook and one of the nurses kept telling me to calm down a bit since my blood pressure was a bit high.  When in the hospital room before going to OR, Jason was nice enough to say a prayer which made me feel better. He said he was really excited and was calm and cool, just like with Hallie.
The weirdest part of the epideral was it goes chest down, so there were some moments where I wasn't sure if I was breathing right since it feels numb. The nurse reassured me I was okay when I started to freak out a bit.
It didn't really hit me until the sheet went up that this really was real- I was having a C-section.  I also did feel a bit of relief and excitement that it was almost time to meet the little man.
This may sound weird, but they had a monitor there, so I actually watched my C-section!  It was a bit surreal since I didn't feel anything and I've always been a bit interested in surgery.
I heard the doctor say, "There's the butt," and I thought, "Please Lord, let this be quick and smooth."
I looked at the monitor and saw them pull him out- back/butt up. What a way to enter the world!
Jason said, "There he is!"
I said, "I want to see him!"
Since it's a bloody pic, I'm not going to post, but my first thoughts were he looks like my brother!
Then, the crying started and Jason went with him for the clean up process...

Here is our first pic together!

20 1/2 inches long and 7 lbs 3 ozs!

They took the baby to the post OR room while I was "repaired", so Jason went with the baby. When they wheeled me in, Jason told me, "He's looking for you."  In a few moments, we did the skin to skin bonding that they encourage, so they put him in my gown.

So, the name...we had struggled with a name, but about a month ago, Jason mentioned the name Justin. I had thought of that too, but I am weird about not wanting names to sound too much alike, so wasn't sure if I wanted a Jason and Justin....but since Justin is Lee's middle name and my due date was Lee's birthday, it did seem like the obvious, right choice.
I mentioned the other names we had considered, then Jason just looked at me and said, "His name is gonna be Justin."  So, that was that and Baby Goober had a real name!


Pics meeting the family!



We came home on Saturday!

So far, Hallie has been a great big sister! She wasn't sure what to think when she saw him for the first time, but now wants to hold him, "pet" him, talk to him! She gets excited when his eyes are open and gets diapers for me.  She calls him "Ustin" which I think is so cute! She repeats a lot of what I say to him and call him, like buddy, little guy, little guy. 
She only seems to be a bit more possessive over Jason now.  When she wants to play with Jason, she'll tell me, "You hold Justin and daddy can play with me."  Or, she doesn't want Jason to hold him at all!

Justin is a very cuddle bug baby!  He loves to be held and is starting to be very alert!  He definitely has the Holcomb eyes!  I still don't think I'm used to how small he is compared to how big Hallie was when she was a newborn. 
But we love him all the same!

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