Friday, December 30, 2011

New Year's Devotion

When I worked at a camp one summer during college, I remember the camp director going over a list on a poster board with the first "rule": Expect the unexpected.

There were many times I just sneered when I saw that in the counselor's lounge! So many unexpected things happened during that summer: Some were good things, some were bad things.

One day, when things were not going as planned, I started reading the story of Jesus calming the storm in Matthew 8 during my break time. Two words stuck out to me that I had never noticed before: without warning.

Matthew says, "Without warning, a furious storm came and toppled the boat."

I'm the type of person that likes to feel prepared for things, so noticing these words didn't bring much comfort to me. I tend to react just like the disciples' did with fear and frustration.

Glance back to Mary's reaction when she got the news of her upcoming pregnancy, "without warning." I doubt Mary (and Joseph too) wanted or expected to be newlywed parents.

"I am the Lord's servant," Mary answered. "May your word to me be fulfilled." (Luke 2:38 NIV)

She hadn't had time to really even process what the angel said, but she clearly accepted it! Something I noticed is that the angel didn't give her any advice or assurance on breaking the news to Joseph and her family. I doubt they were prepared to hear this "good girl" say she's pregnant before marriage! What's interesting too that she had to tell them (not an angel).

There's a bit of excitement and a bit of fear with the start of a new year. Life gives us twists and turns that we never thought would happen!

I think it's no accident we celebrate Christ's birth days before the New Year.

Emmanuel- God is with us...

I wrote this and put in the women's newsletter I do. I got some good feedback, so I thought I'd share! I thought a lot about Liz when I wrote it, especially since the 28th was the day of her death. Last year at this time, we didn't feel alot of hope or excitement in beginning a new year.

We've thought about her many times this past month and have missed her, especially during the holidays! Last year, Deda had given me a cute little black purse that was Liz's and I took that with me to the Hurricanes game last night. I think she would have liked that!

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