Kids went to Corinth VBS the last week of June.
It was called Monumental and talked about the story of Joseph- how God is there despite bad circumstances.
Justin said this was a friend he made in his group.
Hallie's group! She really liked her teen counselors Julia and Nicole!
She said she wants to do next year and she'll be able to be a counselor!
Then we got to put what they learned into practice since all of us got Covid after VBS was over, including mom and dad.
Overall it wasn't bad with Hallie coughing more than all of us but we had to skip out on 4th of July at Linda and Gary's.
We did go to Deda's house and watch fireworks over the lake since we were able to stay away from people.
We played plenty of board games and tried to enjoy our time in quarantine together! I slept in Hallie's room since both of us got sick first and the boys slept in Jason and mine's room.
I was able to go back to work before Jason so the kids got to spend two days with him alone which they enjoyed!
They even made Sawyer a collar!
Justin's All-Star games on Saturday July 9th.
We lost both- definitely not at the level of these other teams.
Justin played first base and centerfield, but not much action at first base since the other teams hit so well. He did make a few outs there!
He struck out twice and got a hit that was called an out even though his coaches were sure he was safe.
It was extremely hot that day which didn't help.
But a great experience for him!
Mom, Dad, Linda, Gary, and Karen came!