Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Hallie's language continued....

Just like any parent, I always forget to put stuff on the last blog!  Here's some more of Hallie language!

She says a few phrases, like "All done",  "All gone" and "Get out" (which is usually said right after we buckle her in the carseat!)

The funniest thing she does is say "nice" to us. We tell her to be nice when she isn't behaving rightl, which she has interpreted to mean that when mom and dad don't do what I want, I must tell them to be "nice!"

I have a very cute video of Hallie singing with Rockin' Elmo, but videos aren't loading anymore on the blog!  So, I'll post on facebook, or you can ask me to show it to you if I have my camera!

There was a birthday party for Jason's cousin on Sunday at Lakewood Park on Sunday!  Hallie enjoyed feeding the ducks and hanging out with Nana and Papa!

I took off this Monday and Tuesday since daycare is closed, so I was able to hang out with two of my friends and their kids since they're stay at home moms! We went to Zahra Baker's playground, which was very neat!  Then we headed to the mall to eat and play there!  Hallie didn't seem at all tired at 1:00 when we came on, but feel asleep within a minute of being in the crib!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Hallie's language!

Hallie's saying tons of words!  She repeated "apple" to me this week and is saying more animal sounds!

We can understand most of her words, but she does have her own little language!

For example, "bye-bye" can mean she wants to go outside or leave
"Me-Me" is "excuse me" (she'll say this when she burps or hiccups!)
"Hot" can mean something is hot...or cold
"Bee" is any kind of bug, though she sometimes will say "ant"
"Mana" is "banana"
"Pippy" is "Chippy" (our dog Chip)
"Bolly" is "Molly" (our dog Molly)
She just says "Meow" when she sees the cats!

She loves to be outside and loves parks! We went to Athrun's 2nd birthday party last weekend at a park in Kannapolis.  It had a cute "train" ride around the park!  She loved playing with Aida too and wanted to know where Aida was when she didn't see her!

Yesterday, we went to Dean and Karen's pool.  As we expected, she didn't want to get near the pool and pitched a fit when we got her near it! She quickly realized Granny wasn't going in the pool and could be trusted, so she really clinged to Granny and kept saying her name!

At least she looked cute in her bathing suit!!!!!