Lots of our family came and then we had a brunch here afterwards. Unfortunately, Hallie was a bit grumpy during that time, so we spent most of our time then nursing in the bedroom.
Here is Hallie on the baptism blanket that a church member makes and in the white dress that was mine when I was a baby.
I had Monday off for President's Day and she had a doctor appointment. She is 26 inches long and 13lbs 12ozs! Jason and I thought she weighed more, but I think she's just solid! I took this picture...she sometimes sleeps like this in her crib!
This week has been really rough for me with work problems. I felt like I caught up on my work Thursday morning, then during lunch, got a call from the daycare that Hallie had a temperature of 101.3! So I didn't got back to work that afternoon and she was very pitiful! She hadn't slept well the night before, so I thought something was a bit wrong. We cuddled all afternoon; she actually wanted to sleep! Her temperature went down with the medicine I gave her. We think she just has another cold because she has a runny nose and a bit of congestion. :(
The next few nights have been a bit rough because she hasn't slept through the night like she has before. Hopefully, we'll be back to normal soon!