Thursday, February 13, 2025


It was so exciting to watch Hallie learn basketball!
She got more aggressive as the games went on even getting a foul called on her!
She scored 4 points in a game early in the season but it happened so quick,
I missed it on video.

The ones below are some good attempts!

Unfortunately, Hallie was sick for the 8th grade recognition, but a friend took the picture of the poster.

Justin enjoyed playing on his rec team. I didn't do any videos, but he got 8 points overall and a couple of fouls so he got alittle more aggressive!  

Hallie has also enjoyed going to the LR basketball games with mom and dad (sometimes one of us).

Both kids went to a game where the boys lost in double overtime but it was a great game!


Sunday, January 12, 2025

Cat Cabins and Snow!

 Justin made these "cat cabins"

Snow came on Jason's birthday in the afternoon!

So they did some night sledding with Hudson and a friend of his!

The next day was Saturday.
I didn't get any videos but they pretty much spent the whole afternoon sledding with a bunch of kids (our neighbors had people over) and Clay and Dustin from up the street came too!

More sledding at the neighbors.

Justin taking Evvie, and Hudson.

Saturday, December 28, 2024


 Christmas cookies at Deda's on Friday the 21st.

We spent Monday the 23rd night with Karen. The next day we did lunch and the Candlelight service at Fairview on Christmas Eve.

Karen had this game where you were blindfolded and you tried to scoop up as many bows into a box as you could.

This was the dirty santa give just ended up getting...he loves it!


The kids wanted to spend Christmas Eve at mom and dad's because our house is boring according to Hallie. 

So Jason and I went over on Christmas morning where they opended stocking gifts, regular gifts, and we did the Advent Wreath.

Christmas day we went to Linda and Gary's but didn't have the get together until the 26th. We stayed another night (as well as Sydney and Charlotte), went to eat at Breakfast time, then to Walmart where Justin bought an NBA game for Nintendo with Christmas money.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

DARE and Checkers hockey game

Justin and all of 5th grade graduated from DARE on Friday, December 20th

He was very excited to get his shirt and certificate!

After little John's birthday party at Chuck E Cheese in Concord, we went to the Checkers hockey game on Saturday.

I had seen the Stanley Cup would be there before the game since the Florida Panthers had won and they are affiliated with them.

They said they may stop taking pictures but we were able to get one!

Checkers won 6 to 1.

We saw 2 fights, a break away goal, and a hat trick where fans threw their hats on the ice!

First puck drop

Decorating, Family pics, Gingerbread houses!

Decorating the tree!

Pics taken at Linda and Gary's!

Gingerbread houses at church on 12/8.


Monday, December 9, 2024

The beginning of basketball!

December starts the beginning of basically 4 evenings of basketball games..whoo hoo!

 Hallie had her first game on December 4th. She played for a bit but in her second game the next day, she got 4 points!!!! 

Justin has scored 4 ponts as well in his games so far!

Thursday, December 5, 2024


Glen Hilton park with Helms crew while we waited for the Starnes crew to get here!

Thanksgiving Day at Deda's. Marie and Elana's family joined us.

We went to Linda/Gary's for Friday lunch. We had some pics taken that I hope to have soon!

Then back to Hickory as most of us went to see "Wicked" on Friday night.
Jason and Justin went to the high school football game.